Please review this letter regarding expectations for those attending home football games at WASHS.
Our fall Renfrew tips have gotten off to a great start! Here are pictures from Mrs. Levick's and Mrs. Yost's classes last week!
As part of their science unit this week, third graders used oreos to model the phases of the moon.
Safety is a top priority at Summitview. This week we practiced our first fire drill and evacuated the building in less than 3 minutes. We also thank the Waynesboro PD for helping to keep us safe at by monitoring traffic on Second Street in the morning and afternoon!
As part of our Getting to Know You Week celebration, learners and staff wore clothing to show their favorite animal or vacation place. Here is Mr. Newhard in his unicorn space t-shirt and all the other learners who share the same interests!
Learners in Mrs. Pedersen’s demonstrated Philo’s problem solving skills to work together to get the worm into the life saving ring in an activity called Overboard! @WeAreProjectTEAM
Learners in kindergarten had fun learning their letters this week when their teachers dressed up like the tree from the book Chicka Chicka Boom Boom!
Final days to order Summitview Spirit Wear! Please see the flyer sent home or order online!
It's now time to sign up for Martin's A+ Rewards! Simply follow the directions in the letter pictured to link your Bonus Card to Summitview Elementary. We thank those who have participated in the past - we raised over $2,000 last school year!
The third grade team gathered all of their students today to conduct their first science experiment. Learners made a hypothesis, created a procedure, made observations, and drew conclusions.
Don't forget, no school for kindergartners on Friday, 8/23. We'll see you Monday, 8/26. Parents can walk their child to the door, but not to the classrooms. PTO is hosting a breakfast for kindergarten parents right after drop off.
We would like all car riders who come through the line in front of the school to have a tag by Monday. Please download the form under "News" on the Summitview website or pick one up in the office.
Thanks to the Herald Mail for covering our fabulous first day! (Be sure to scroll through the pictures!)
Thanks to our PTO and friends we are ready to welcome everyone tomorrow morning!
Bus line up will return to buses parked along the side of the building (no more loop). If you park in the side lot, please DO NOT walk between buses!
School Kidz School supply kits came today! If you ordered, we will delivery your child's kit to their classroom for pick up at Back to School Night!
Mark you calendars for Back to School Night! Thursday, August 15 from 6:30-8:00 pm! More information will follow in a mailer to families in early August.
As part of our science curriculum, fourth grade students complete a unit called Structures & Functions of LIfe. This year we were lucky enough to receive two female crayfish, and each had babies! Mr. Lego has been caring for the “babies” since the fall!
Summitview is seeking a sponsor for shirts that will be given to students recognized as Project TEAM students in the 19-20 school year. If you are interested or would like more information, please email Dr. McCallum -
Summer Lunch Program
The WASD Summer Lunch Program continues through Friday, July 26! Meals are served at Summitview Elementary School from 11:30 am - 12:15 pm. Anyone 18 or younger is free; adult lunch is $4.