Hello SV Families!
Tomorrow, Thursday, October 10 we will have an early dismissal. All students will be dismissed beginning around 12:40 PM (walkers). Please make plans for this altered dismissal time and ensure that your child knows how he or she is to go home.
Schools will be closed on Friday, October 11 for a teacher-in-service day.
On Monday, October 14, schools are closed, but our elementary students have the opportunity to participate in the Elementary Track Meet at WASHS. Check-in begins at 8:30 AM and the meet runs from 9 AM to 1 PM. Please note that a parent must attend and remain with their child at this event.
Thank you and have a good evening.
Free admission for all students for "Maiden's Night" on Wednesday, October 9th!
Youth Wrestling Information
We would like to thank our substitute teachers for choosing to work at Summitview! For Aug/Sept, Summitview had 100% of our classrooms covered when teachers were out of the building! Our subsitutes do a great job continuing the daily classroom routines and instruction when our teachers are out of the building.
Mr. Campbell
Ms. Gotham
Mrs. Pappas
Mrs. Roche
Mrs. Shaffer
Ms. Slavin
Mrs. Stewart
Ms. Zink
We would like to thank the parents who attended our parent forum last night. We will have another parent forum in the winter.
We are having a parent forum this evening at 6:30 PM. This is a time for parents to meet with Mr. Pappas and talk about concerns or ask questions about Summitview. Please enter at the main entrance.
Hello 3rd Grade Families! If your child has Ms. Scott or Mrs. Warren, their field trip has been moved to 10/8/24. Thank you and have a great day!!
The fifth graders will be at the school in about 10 minutes so hopefully by 6:30. Sorry for the delay.
This is just a reminder for fifth grade parents. Please be at our school by 6:15 this evening to pick up your child. Thank you!
Hello SV Families
Tonight we are hosting our Academic Night (please see recent email for specific grade level times: 6:15 to 8).
Picture Day is tomorrow.
Hello SV Families!
We know you have heard about our new math program, i-Ready. Here is a link that might help you get a better understanding of what your children are learning in math class.
Have a great weekend!
Hello SV Families!
Tonight is Domino's Night! If you purchase from Domino's tonight please let them know your child attends Summitview!!!
This is just a reminder that we are dismissing at 12:50 today.
Join WASD Thursday, September 12, 2024, 6-7:30 PM for Parent & Community Night!
Hello SV Families!
WellSpan is using our property for the helipad for the next few days and might in the future, if a need arises. Everything is okay at SV. Thank you!
We have some vegetables ready from our farm. Please help yourself and if you would like to donate to our farm project that would be appreciated. Have a great Friday!
We would like to thank Mrs. Shaffer for covering for a classroom teacher for the fiirst nine days of school. The students missed her today!
District Parent & Community Night
Just a reminder for tomorrow...
Hello SV Families and Friends!
We have a request for those who pick up our students in the pick-up lanes. Please do not arrive until 3 PM. We begin the dismissal process at 3:20 PM. When individuals park in those lanes it may interfere with buses (we have students who leave our school early and we sometimes have field trips coming back in the PM) and emergency vehicles. Additionally, parked vehicles with people in them often cause alarm for us in the building or for classrooms that are outside for recess, especially when they are parked hours before dismissal.
We appreciate your understanding and your willingness to help us.
Have a great evening!