Reminder: If you are coming into WASHS to pick up any item, please contact Mrs. Helfrick to set up a time. Her email address is sheri_helfrick@wasdpa.org and her extension is 1215. We are currently closed on Fridays and will continue to be so throughout July. Thank you.

Starting on June 29 until further notice, please contact Mrs. Helfrick (x1215) to set up a time to pick up a yearbook, work permit, and/or diploma (for those not attending on July 28). Thank you.

Mr. Pappas sent an email this morning to all graduates of the Class of 2020 regarding the July 28th Commencement Ceremony. There is a survey (in the email) graduates need to complete so we know who is attending the ceremony. Additionally, an email and phone message just went out to all families of graduates regarding this information.

On 6/9/2020, the School Board voted to have a July 28th (6:30 PM) commencement ceremony for the Class of 2020. The Class of 2020, just received an school-issued email with details pertaining to this ceremony and on how to pick up a diploma, if they cannot attend the ceremony.

For the months of June and July, the WASHS office will be closed on Fridays. Please call ahead if you are visiting the office on Monday-Thursday, as we are still under the COVID-19 restrictions. Thank you.

Parents, your children were just sent a school-wide email about summer advancement courses @WASHS. They will be 100% online. An application was attached to the email. We are only doing credit advancement this summer. We are not doing credit recovery (Traditional summer school).

Reminder: You can pick up your yearbook today through Thursday from 9-3 in the main office. Additionally, you can return books, keys, a Chromebook, or pay fees at the main office during these times too.

The Class of 2020 Video is here!!! We would like to thank the Class of 2020, the staff, the faculty, the Tribe Time students, and most importantly Mrs. Dickey for making this video possible. We wish the Class of 2020 and their families all the best! Hopefully, we will see you at a graduation ceremony later this summer. Enjoy the video!

The yearbooks are in!!! You can pick your yearbook up at the main office next week, M-Th from 9 AM to 3 PM. Caps and gowns can be picked up then too! You can purchase a yearbook still at the main office.

A school messenger and email will be coming out at around 3:30 PM today. The messages are reminders about this week's collection and pick-up at WASHS.

WASHS Parents and Students:
As our messenger stated, we are having student pick-up and drop-ff days May 26-May 29. We have two times each day, 10 AM - 12 PM and 1 PM - 3 PM. You can come at any time during those times. We are not doing sign-ups b/c we want to be flexible with your schedules. Please review the email and voicemail that were sent on 5/14/2020.

At the recent school board meeting, it was approved to move the date for the 2020 commencement ceremony. Two dates were approved, 6/23 (rain date 6/24) and 7/28 (rain date 7/29). The District will continue following the Governor's orders as we move through this process.

This message is for parents of current 8th graders at WAMS and families looking to move to WASHS for the 20-21 school year. We hope to have a New Family/Student tour in early August. If we are unable to do this tour, WASHS will put out an informative virtual tour before the 20-21 school year begins. Thanks!

We want to wish our AP students much success on their AP Exams. Here is a link with some quick reminders before you take an AP Exam:

Hello WASHS parents. Mr. Pappas sent another email to all students enrolled in our school about the impact cheating.
Unfortunately, with online learning the temptation to cheat on an assignment or assessment might be very strong. Please encourage your children to complete their own work and not to share their work with their peers. Thank you in advance for your help.

Parents, an email was sent to your children about picking up belongings at the high school. Once yearbooks and caps and gowns are delivered to us we will be setting up a week, probably in middle to late May, to have pick up for all items including items in school lockers. Please be looking for an email and a phone call from me in the near future.

Seniors: Please remember to submit (via Google Drive) your video clip to Mr. Pappas for the Class of 2020 video. An email was sent to you about the video and the due date for the video is 5/8/20. Thanks!

This evening at the school board meeting decisions were made about the 2020 commencement ceremony and the 2020 prom. We will not be having a prom. We are aiming to have a live graduation. We need to honor the orders from the Governor, and if we can do so we plan on having an outdoor graduation on May 29th at our football stadium. We have three additional dates that we could hold the ceremony if we need to, based on the Governor’s orders and/or the weather. Those dates are May 30, June 23, or June 24. Seniors and their parents will be getting a school messenger and email soon with all of the details that were discussed at tonight‘s board meeting about the commencement ceremony. If seniors and/or their parents have questions after receiving those messages, they can email Mr. Pappas @Steve_Pappas @wasdpa.org

Here is the link for the April 28th Board Meeting:

Discussions and decisions will be made regarding graduation and the prom at Tuesday night’s board meeting. Please visit our district’s website if you would like to have access to this video-conferenced board meeting. The meeting begins at 7 PM.