October 24th, 2022
Parent teacher conferences will be held on Tuesday, November 8th from 3:00- 6:00 PM, Wednesday, November 9th from 3:00- 7:00 PM, and from 8:00-3:30 on Thursday, November 10th. Conference time slots will be 15 minutes.
WAMS will again utilize an online program called My Conference Time for parents/guardians to schedule their conference(s). We have found this is the most time-effective means for families to schedule conferences that best fit their schedules. My Conference Time is accessible through any internet-connected device (computer, tablet, smartphone, etc…). Families can begin scheduling conferences on Monday, October 24th, 2022. Online scheduling will close on Monday, November 7th, 2022.
To schedule your child(ren)’s conference(s), please follow these steps:
1. Go https://www.myconferencetime.c...
2. Click on the name of your child’s teacher
3. Select the desired date/time for your conference by clicking on “Sign Up.”
4. Complete the requested information, including your email address.
5. Click “Sign Up for Your Conference” near the bottom of the screen. You will then receive an email confirming the date/time of your conference(s).
Parent conferences will be held virtually. A link for a Google Meet will be added to your appointment. You’ll receive an email that contains that link two (2) days before the conference.. If you have several children attending our school, click on “Register for Multiple Conference” and follow the prompts to schedule all conferences for your children.
If you are unable to sign up for a time and date online or prefer to have your conference over the phone, please contact the WAMS office at 717-762-1191 ext. 1300.
Thank you,
Eric DeAngelis