Attendance Reminders
- After an absence from school students have three (3) school days to turn in a note. If a note is not received the absence will be illegal.
- PA State Law requires a doctor’s note if a child is absent from school for three consecutive days, or more.
- When writing a note please include the following information…
Attendance Consequences
- After 10 days students will be placed on Physician's Note
- After a student receives 3 illegal absences or accumulates 10 days absent a parent/guardian will be required to attend a Student Attendance Improvement Plan meeting.
- Additional illegal days will result in a citation/fine.
Educational Field Trips
- WASD Policy allows for up to 5 days per school year to be excused for educational field trips (e.g., family vacations, athletic events)
- Educational field trips will NOT be approved during PSSA testing for students in grades 3-5.
Chronic Absence
- Missing more than 10% of the school year for any reason
- 10% of the school year equates to 18 days or 2 days a month