Kindergarten enrollment now open!
18 days ago, WASDPA
Kindergarten Registration 2025-2026 School Year
Waynesboro Area School District Kindergarten Orientation Kindergarten will be held at at Individual Elementary Buildings this coming Tuesday, February 4TH, 6:00-7:00 PM. Doors open at 5:45 PM. You and your child get to meet the Kindergarten teachers, see the Kindergarten classrooms and learn all about the online Kindergarten Registration process! Please RSVP to K Orientation by scanning the QR code. For more information contact Registration Orientation sign-up will close at noon on the day of the event. Don't delay!
about 1 month ago, WASDPA
Kindergarten Registration 2025-2026 School Year
WASD will now be in session on February 17, March 17, and April 17, 2025 to make up the snow days in January. Moving forward, we will be using FID (on-line) instruction with our learners K-12 and building principals will be sharing information.
about 1 month ago, WASDPA
Waynesboro Area School District Kindergarten Orientation Kindergarten will be held at At Individual Elementary Buildings Tuesday, February 4TH, 6:00-7:00 PM. Doors open at 5:45 PM. You and your child get to meet the Kindergarten teachers, see the Kindergarten classrooms and learn all about the online Kindergarten Registration process! Please RSVP to K Orientation by scanning the QR code. For more information contact
about 2 months ago, WASDPA
Kindergarten Orientation '25
Join us Saturday, December 14th from 10am - noon for a Downtown Holiday Take Over! Enjoy a StoryWalk, Scavenger Hunt, and STEAM Lab with Ms. Julie in the Alexander Memorial Free Library! *StoryWalk begins in the Alexander Memorial Free Library!
3 months ago, WASDPA
Holiday StoryWalk
4 months ago, Hooverville Elementary
Join us!
Kindergarten Letter Party 10/22/24 6-7PM
5 months ago, Maria Camacho
K Letter Party
Hooverville Book Bingo 10/8/24 6-6:40PM Kindergarten - 2nd Gr. 6:50-7:30 3rd - 5th Gr.
5 months ago, Maria Camacho
Book Bingo
Hooverville PTO Trunk or Treat 10/25/24 6PM - 7:30PM
5 months ago, Maria Camacho
Trunk or Treat
Free admission for all students for "Maiden's Night" on Wednesday, October 9th!
5 months ago, WASDPA
Maidens Night
Join WASD Thursday, September 12, 2024, 6-7:30 PM for Parent & Community Night!
6 months ago, WASDPA
WASD Parent and Community Night
Attention WASD parents/guardians: WASD schools ARE in session on Friday, August 30th.
7 months ago, WASDPA
The Sapphire Community Web Portal will open today at 4PM. Parents and learners can log into their account and view their homeroom teacher and schedule at that time.
7 months ago, WASDPA
Kindergarten First Day of School Information
8 months ago, WASDPA
HV Kindergarten First Day of School
Calling all aspiring WASHS cheerleaders! Get ready for high-energy and unforgettable experience at our Cheer Camp!
10 months ago, WASDPA
Youth Cheer Camp 2024
Spring Picture Day Proofs from Pictures Plus are being delivered to the schools today. If you have any questions please contact
11 months ago, WASDPA
Pictures Plus Spring Portraits
WASD is scheduled for an early dismissal day on Monday, April 8, 2024. Our secondary learners will be dismissed at 11:50 AM and our elementary learners will be dismissed at 12:50 PM.
11 months ago, WASDPA
The Waynesboro Area School District is now in the process of determining kindergarten enrollment for August 2024. Per WASD Board Policy No. 201 children who have reached the age of five (5) before September 1, 2024, are eligible to begin kindergarten in August 2024. To make the pre-registration process easier, we are asking that you complete the survey which can be found on the district website under "Kindergarten Registration 2024-2025 School Year". Once you complete the digital pre-registration questionnaire, your next step will be attending our annual Coming to Kindergarten Orientation. The event will take place on Monday, February 26, 2024 from 6:30 - 7:30 PM at your rising kindergarten student's elementary building. Welcome Class of 2037!
about 1 year ago, WASDPA
Kindergarten Registration
Our Feeding School Kids campaign is in full swing with customers engaging through round up and CHOICE donations online to support the WASD food services. In February, we will continue to fundraise through those avenues, with the addition of two programs with our vendor partners in store. Throughout the month of February, for every bag of our brand Navel Oranges purchased, $0.50 will support WASD district meal programs. Then during the week of February 2-8, for every can of Progresso soup purchased, $2 will support WASD district meal programs.
about 1 year ago, WASDPA
HV PTO Meeting Cancelled for today 11/2/23
over 1 year ago, Maria Camacho
HV PTO Meeting Cancelled