January is once again designated School Director Recognition Month, to honor school board directors’ and their dedication to public education excellence across the commonwealth.

More than 85% of Pennsylvania’s students attend public schools, including the 4,400 learners in the Waynesboro Area School District. Along with district administration, the nine members of each local school board make complex decisions to guide public schools and provide an educational environment where every student can find a path to success.

In celebration of these public servants, the Waynesboro Area School District recognized our school board directors with a dinner at WASHS prior to the January 28, 2025 school board meeting.

School board directors are a vital component of our public education system, working tirelessly to ensure all students have access to a quality education. They volunteer their time and effort to the challenging and complex responsibilities of board business, such as voting on budgets, adopting policy and conducting comprehensive planning. Their dedication and passion for their communities are truly inspiring.

As an additional measure of commitment, the Waynesboro Area School Board also has taken the step of adopting the PSBA Principles for Governance and Leadership. This framework of actionable steps is designed to increase the effectiveness of the board. Research shows that school board actions have a direct effect on student achievement. Therefore, it is vital that boards take action to increase their effectiveness, for the benefit of the students they serve.

Go to to read the Principles and to see a list of Pennsylvania public school boards that have adopted them.