Notice is given hereby that the

Waynesboro Area School District will accept Bids for single prime
Contract No.: 22009-A- North Pedestrian Bridge Alterations

according to Drawings and Specifications prepared by David Black Associates, Inc., and described in general as:

Bridge structure replacement and concrete abutment alterations at the Waynesboro Area Senior High School located at 550 East Second Street, Waynesboro, Pennsylvania.

Sealed bids will be received at the Waynesboro Area School District Administration Office, located at 210 Clayton Avenue, Waynesboro, PA. 17268, until:

2:00 p.m., February 4, 2025 ("Bid Opening")

Please address sealed bids to Attention: North Pedestrian Bridge Alterations.

Bids received after that time will not be accepted and returned unopened. Bids will be publicly opened and read for the Project immediately thereafter at the Waynesboro Area School District Administration Office. The sealed Bid shall include a fully executed(!) Bid Form, (2) Bid Bond-Security, (3) Non­ Collusion Affidavit, and (4) Certificate of Non-Segregated Facilities.

The work to be performed is described in the Contract Documents for the Project, which may be examined at:

David Black Associates, Inc. 50I Lincoln Way East Chambersburg, PA 1720 I Telephone (717) 267-0202

Copies of the Contract Documents in PDF format may be obtained from the office of the Engineer free of charge. Hard copies of the Contract Documents may be secured by Bidders at the office of the Engineer. A non-refundable fee of $100 payable to David Black Associates, Inc. must accompany a request for a hard copy of the Contract Documents.

Please review the full Invitation to Bid for additional details.

WASD Invitation to Bid on North Pedestrian Bridge Alterations