Mr. Eric DeAngelis - PRINCIPAL
Thank you for your time and consideration in navigating through the WAMS website and taking the time to read about the administrative team here at Waynesboro Area Middle School. My name is Eric DeAngelis and I am the head building Principal at WAMS. I have two children of my own (a 7 year old boy and a 10 year old girl) and my wife is an elementary teacher in the school district. I had an opportunity to work as an Assistant Principal here at WAMS for several years prior to becoming the building Principal, as well as serving that role in several of the Elementary Schools in the district. Prior to being in Waynesboro I was both a teacher and administrator for numerous years in the Central Dauphin School District. I attended Shippensburg University for my Bachelors Degree in English and Instruction, and University of Scranton for my Administrative master’s degree.
I am honored to be the Principal at WAMS and look forward to helping provide the best experience and high quality education for all of our students here at WAMS as they pursue their First Choice in both life and the district. It is my goal to provide both this safe environment and education to every student as I would for my own two children. I look forward to working with and for all the parents and guardians of our students to achieve these goals.
I encourage all stakeholders to reach out and call or schedule a meeting should any issue ever arise.
I can be reached at 717-762-1191 extension 1300.
Thank you for your time and I look forward to the school year!